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The Association is the promoter of the European Projects Festival, the first major Italian event dedicated to the European project design sector.


The association was created to promote – individually or in collaboration with individuals, organisations, transnational and international networks – cultural education and training initiatives for the promotion and support of European citizenship and its values.

The headquarters are in Via Don Giovanni Verità 11, Ferrara.

Become a member of Officine Europa APS! Joining is easy: download the form, fill it in indicating the type of annual membership (student, ordinary member, supporting member) and send it to

You can pay the membership fee by bank transfer to the following IBAN, indicating in the reason for payment "Officine Europa Membership / your name and surname / the type of membership you have chosen / the year of membership":

IT91 Q085 0913 0000 3100 9455 179

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European Project Manager

The European Projects Festival is conceived and directed by Alexandra Storari. Ferrarese, but a citizen of Europe and the World, expert in European planning and reporting, has worked since 2000 in the field of European Funds with particular reference to the sectors of training and education, culture and creativity. 


She is the founder of the Euro Project Lab company based in Milan and of the non-profit association EuAbout Lab ASBL based in Brussels. With a group of friends and colleagues, she founded Officine Europa APS, promoter of the Festival.


The Festival is an idea organised and promoted by Officine Europa.


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Via Don Giovanni Verità 11

44124 · Ferrara, Italia

C.F. e P.IVA 02146970385

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