A rich programme of conferences, congresses, and seminars, training workshops and presentations of success stories, on the topics of the European Union, its policies, the funds available through the Multiannual Budget 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU.
10:00 › 12:30 • Opening Conference › "NextGenerationEU: new generations for the future of Europe" [included in the participation fee › participate]
NextGenerationEU has entered the common lexicon to refer to the European Union's Recovery Plan following the Covid-19 pandemic. The EU’s 2021-2027 long-term budget and the Recovery and Resilience Facility represent an unprecedented response by the Union to support the Member States, their communities, and their territories. NextGenerationEU, however, also refers to the role that the young generations have in building this future, to the possibilities that the European Union offers them to be informed, open, responsible citizens, able to critically analyze phenomena and bring about changes for a democratic, peaceful, sustainable and open society. On the values of European citizenship, on the active involvement of young people, on the opportunities that the European Union offers, the Italian and European students of the EYE Youth Parliament 2024 talk.
• Alexandra Storari - President of Officine Europa APS
• Alessandro Balboni - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Paola Salomoni - Councillor for School, University, Research and Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Massimiliano Urbinati - Director of the ISS Vergani-Navarra in Ferrara
• Francesco Cafarelli – Project Manager della Fondazione Antonio Megalizzi di Trento
Introduced and moderated by: Alexandra Tyan - Journalist of Sphera Network
[ in Italian and English ] • Interpreting by MyES - My English School Ferrara
14:00 › 16:00 • Round Table › "The 5 Words of Europe": the lexicon of the new generations — Treccani Cultura Foundation • Italy [free entrance]
Peace, democracy, freedom, justice, multilingualism (or multilingualism). These are just some of the words that refer to the idea and values of the European Union. However, these words are often confused, misunderstood, instrumentalised. It therefore becomes important, in a society in which words circulate voraciously, in which they are shredded and minced in the various digital and multimedia languages, in which they no longer have any weight and meaning, to pay particular attention to their value. Words are a means of expression and reasoning, of sharing and respectful confrontation between different positions. A conscious use of words can help us to change the world, to remember the past, to build a new future. They speak about it, with students and young people:
Michele Ainis is professor of public law institutions at the University of Roma Tre. From 2016 to 2023 he was a member of the Antitrust Authority. He has participated in various ministerial study commissions, including the Commission for constitutional reforms (in 2013). He is a columnist for «Repubblica», as well as the author of over thirty volumes and around one hundred and fifty scientific essays. He has also published three novels. His latest book is Capocrazia (2024).
Massimo Bray has been general director of the Treccani Italian Encyclopedia Institute since 2015, after having been editorial director (1994-2013) and head of the Modern History section (since 1991). He was president of the La Notte della Taranta Foundation, until his appointment as Minister for Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism (2013-2015). As president of the Foundation for books, music and culture, he was responsible for the 2017 and 2018 editions of the Turin Book Fair. He published the book Alla voce Cultura. Diario sospeso della mia esperienza di Ministro (Manni 2019).
Maria Vittoria Dell’Anna, Associate Professor of Italian Linguistics, University of Salento. She studies legal Italian and other specialist and sectoral languages (politics, institutions, psychology, environment). You have published, among others, volumes Lingua Italian e politica (Carocci, 2010), In nome del popolo italiano. Lguaggio giuridico e lingua della sentenza Italia (Cesati, 2017), L’italiano e la sostenibilità (Crusca Academy, 2023, curated alongside M. Biffi and R. Gualdo).
Treccani Cultura Foundation is a no-profit organisation that carries out projects and initiatives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and foster the cultural growth of the country. It is the aim of Treccani Cultura to establish a link between citizenship, associations, the cultural, scientific and business world and the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana.
Introduced and moderated by: Prof. Jacopo Francesco Alberti - Associate Professor in European Union Law at the Department of Law - University of Ferrara
[ in Italian ]
14:30 › 16:30 • Workshop › "How cross border collaboration is the new normal for European media: the case of Sphera Network" — Sphera Network • France [included in the participation fee › participate]
Since 2021, Sphera Network is a consortium of 10 European independent media revamping the narrative of our continent. Led by the media NGO Babel International and with partners from France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Poland, and Hungary, Sphera Network is producing video and podcasts for young and socially engaged Europeans in 7 languages.
This workshop aims at inspiring European projects experts on crossborder journalism. “Collaboration is the new normal in journalism” and will provide insights on the following:
How journalism networks like Sphera improve the coverage of European and crossborder topics
How to foster synergies between national actors even if they have limited prior European projects experiences
How European collaborations can help independent media to improve their journalism, video skills and overall business sustainability
How decentralised networks like Sphera bring impact and engagement to national audiences
How to partner with networks like Sphera Network
Francesca Festa: Babel International’s Executive Director and Sphera Network founder. Italian and based in Paris, she has extensive experience in coordinating crossborder projects and will focus on Sphera Network’s values and how this consortium is helping its members to achieve their overall sustainability.
Alexandra Tyan: Reporter and Sphera editorial coordinator. A Russian national based in Bologna, she will focus on the day-to-day editorial coordination of the consortium.
[ in Italian and English ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Seminar › "EU Programmes 2021-2027: European funding opportunities between challenges and purposes" — Paolo Cannarella • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The seminar on European Funds 2021-2027 proposes to explore and analyse the multiple opportunities offered by the European Union financing programs in this new budget cycle. Through an in-depth examination of the Multi annual Financial Framework (MFF) and the new Regulations that define the guidelines for access to funds, participants will have the opportunity to understand the dynamics and sources of financing that characterise the current panorama of EU funds. Cohesion Policies, crucial for supporting regional development and just transition, will be explored, together with the PNRR and the Next Generation EU (NGEU) package, designed to respond to the challenges posed by the pandemic and accelerate the transition towards a greener, more digital, fairer and more resilient Europe.
The seminar, characterised by a practical approach, will offer an overview of the 2024 Funds, covering both directly managed and shared managed Funds.
Paolo Cannarella - Presidency official of the Council of Ministers - Department of regional affairs and autonomies - Technical secretariat to support the control room for the determination of the essential performance levels (LEP). Former official of the Veneto Region, economic specialist, first level inspector of the European Structural and Investment Funds, European Territorial Cooperation Program - Interreg Italy-Austria. Author of the book: "How to obtain European Union funding by knowing Europe", preface by the Magistrate of the Court of Auditors, Dr. Giampiero Pizziconi; published by Editoriale Scientifica. Teacher in the field of Europlanning activities, first level inspection and reporting of expenses financed with European Union Funds. Writer and speaker at seminars and conferences on European issues.
[ in italian ]
14:00 › 15:30 • Seminar › "The European challenge of the Megalizzi Foundation: the first steps of a no-profit organisation in the context of European projects design" — Antonio Megalizzi Foundation • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
For any organisation, be it a company, a public institution or a non-profit organisation, European funds represent an unmissable opportunity for the development of new projects and organisational capabilities. The sphere of European projects, however, hides major challenges, considerable efforts to be undertaken and the general need to invest in defining a clear vision and mission that can be translated into a strategic path. The seminar intends to explore a case study, analysing the path taken by the Antonio Megalizzi Foundation in the field of Europlanning. The approach of the young third sector organisation to European projects, its impact from an organisational point of view, and future scenarios in terms of opportunities and strategies will be analysed."
Francesco Cafarelli, born in Negrar di Valpolicella in 1990, lives in Verona. He specialised in European Studies at the University of Padua and then started his career as an expert consultant on European funds for companies, public bodies and non-profit associations. He was editor for Europhonica under the direction of Antonio Megalizzi and now works with the Foundation dedicated to him in the role of lecturer and project manager.
[ in Italian ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Seminar › "Europe for Gender, Territorial and Generational Equal Opportunities: Research by C.D.S. - Centro Ricerche Documentazione e Studi Economici OdV di Ferrara" — C.D.S. • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The C.D.S. - Research Center for Documentation and Social Economic Studies OdV is a non-profit voluntary organisation for socio-economic research and territorial analysis focused on Ferrara and the wider area. Their commitment and interests focus on the production of a series of studies, research and analyses on the social, economic and social aspects of the Ferrara area.
Among their publications, it is worth mentioning the Ferrarese Socio-Economic Yearbook, which is published every year, and which represents a fundamental tool for reading and analysing the city of Ferrara and its province, as well as recent publications focused on on the impact that the PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan, is having within the local context.
The seminar focuses on the latest published research "Europe for equal gender, territorial and generational opportunities", the result of three conferences on territorial, gender and generational inequalities held in 2023. Here the CDS examined in depth, with a research, analysis and data processing, the three main priorities that must transversally cross the six missions of the PNRR, but which are also present in the Cohesion Policy and in other lines of funding of the European Union.
Based on the awareness that the persistence of inequalities is not just an individual problem, but a significant obstacle to economic and social development, the research highlights the consistencies and inconsistencies between the investments made in the province of Ferrara with European Funds and objectives that Europe sets in terms of reducing gender, generational and territorial gaps. Here is who will talk about it:
• Initial presentation: Cinzia Bracci - President of CDS Cultura OdV
• Presentation of territorial inequalities: Aurelio Bruzzo - former member of the DEM - Department of Economics & Management University of Ferrara
• Gender inequalities presentation: Annalisa Ferrari - CDS Cultura OdV Board of Directors
• Generational inequalities presentation: Paola Poggipollini - CDS Cultura OdV Board of Directors
[ in italian ]
10:30 › 13:30 • Seminar › "NextGenerationEU and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to support local authorities: tools, techniques, good practices" — ANCI Emilia-Romagna • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The intervention will attempt to identify the particularly complex factors that local authorities find themselves facing in the implementation of PNRR interventions and in particular in the management and reporting phases.
We will try to illustrate the monitoring and reporting obligations, the complexity of the management and control systems and the relationships with the Central Administrations in charge of the investment measures and with the other institutional subjects involved. Finally, the impact of these complexities on the organisation of the institution and the necessary involvement of various internal and external factors will be highlighted. The communication obligations relating to PNRR projects and the importance of correct information for citizens will also be highlighted.
Speaker: Ivano Di Napoli - SO Manager of Community and Strategic Financing of the Municipality of Parma, coordinates the monitoring of the Municipality's PNRR projects, the activities relating to the research and analysis of local, national and European funding for strategic projects, supporting the application processes, coordinates activities relating to the European Mission of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities by 2030. Graduated in Economics and Finance, he holds a master's degree in Energy and Environmental Management and has gained experience in citizen services and corporate governance of the Municipality of Parma.
The principle of "not causing significant damage" to the environment, which was created to combine economic growth and protection of the ecosystem, guaranteeing that investments are made without jeopardising environmental resources, cannot be interpreted merely as yet another constraint imposed on implementing subjects, but as an opportunity to bring environmental and climate sustainability criteria to the center of project choices. Through the illustration of the genesis of the DNSH principle compared to European environmental policies, its application in projects financed by PNRR and PR FESR funds, and the correlation with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (in particular building CAM and public green CAM), the intervention will focus on how to translate the DNSH criteria into actions for the energy transition, so that climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies are concretely applied on a large scale.
Speaker: Francesca Poli - Architect and representative of AESS Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development for the Ecological Transition area, she deals with research, design, urban regeneration and adaptation strategies to climate change within European projects, Action Plans for Sustainable Energy and Climate, PNRR funds and projects financed with regional ERDF PRs. She has collaborated in the organisation of various training courses on the topics of energy and ecological transition to counter the impacts of the climate crisis and make cities climate-proof.
The ReGiS platform is the main tool for physical and procedural monitoring, as well as for reporting the investments of the PNRR. Furthermore, Legislative Decree 13/2023 extends the use of the ReGiS system to investments relating to cohesion policies. On the 7th of July 2022 the ReGiS platform was opened to implementing bodies. After a brief description of the PNRR in the Municipality of Padua, the intervention intends to describe the dual approach to reporting and monitoring adopted by the Municipality of Padua. On the one hand, the "organisational" approach, the structures and human resources dedicated to this activity. On the other hand, the intervention intends to provide a summary and operational ideas for the correct feeding of data and documentation into the system for both the monitoring and subsequent reporting phases. The intervention will have a practical approach, after a few initial slides you will immediately enter ReGiS with a live explanation of the tiles and the system's power supply methods.
Speaker: Alberto Maria Rigon - Community Projects Officer of the Municipality of Padua - Expert in project-management, monitoring and reporting on European funds. Speaker and trainer at universities, national and international conferences. Fifteen years of experience in the technical-administrative management of international cooperation programmes financed by the main providers (EU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Bank, UN Agencies, Private Foundations). Ten years of experience in the programming, management and monitoring of direct and indirect European funds in the urban context (resilience and urban regeneration, protected areas and water resource management, social integration and cohesion, Life Programmes, DG ECHO, Interreg, Horizon, EuropeAID, NextGenEU-PNRR, POR-FESR).
[ in italian ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Round Table › "Educational poverty, hardship and early school leaving: Erasmus+ and PNRR for knowledge inclusion" — CFP Cesta • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
"If you lose them (the most difficult children) the school is no longer a school. It is a hospital that cures the healthy and rejects the sick." More than 50 years later, this phrase by Don Milani is unfortunately still relevant. In Italy, almost 1.4 million children live in absolute poverty and another 2.2 million are in relative poverty. This economic poverty is closely linked to educational poverty; together they create a vicious circle that feeds on from generation to generation, and which impacts, in the medium term, on the development and employment opportunities of young people. The PNRR, the cornerstone of NextGenerationEU, and the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027, represent from this point of view one of the possible support tools for the world of education and the third sector.
• Prof. Silvia Zanazzi - Researcher in Experimental Pedagogy, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara
• Stefania Squarzoni - Project Manager at the CFP Cesta di Copparo (Ferrara), Project Manager of the Erasmus+ Project "EARS: Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout".
• Domenico Marcello Urbinati - Headmaster of the IC of Copparo (Ferrara), Partner of the Erasmus+ Project "EARS: Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout".
• Daniele Saraceni - Vicar of the IC of Copparo (Ferrara), Partner of the Erasmus+ Project "EARS: Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout"
• Riccardo Benetti - Director of the Fondazione Enrico Zanotti of Ferrara
• Prof. Patrizio Bianchi - Emeritus Professor of Applied Economics, University of Ferrara and holder of the UNESCO Chair in "Education, Growth and Equality" [videomessage]
Introduced and moderated by: Enrico Giorgino - European Project Manager
[ in Italian ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Round Table › "Diversity and inclusion in European education systems: comparing panorama and experience" — Spazio Reale Formazione • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
Equality, equity and inclusion are an integral part of European and national policies. Improving quality and equity in education is a strategic priority of the European Education Area, which supports EU Member States in working together to build more resilient and inclusive school systems. This in turn materialises in the specific priorities of the European Funds, such as the Erasmus+ Program 2021-2027. Goal 4 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, on Sustainable Development, in turn states that quality education is the basis for improving people's lives and achieving sustainable development. At the same time, research and statistics demonstrate how situations of disadvantage and/or discrimination persist in schools, such as students from different migratory, ethnic and religious backgrounds, LGBTIQ+ students, students with special educational needs or disabilities.
• Antonella Mangiaracina - Policy Officer of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education in Brussels (Belgium)
• Olivia Salimbeni - Director of Spazio Reale Formazione in Campi Bisenzio (Florence)
• Gabriele Rubino - Director of the Esagramma Symphony Orchestra, psychologist and coordinator of the Inclusive Orchestral Education courses of the Sequeri-Esagramma Foundation of Milan
• Silvia Dambrosio - Referent for School and Civil Service Projects of CSV Terre Estensi OdV of Ferrara
Introduced and moderated by: Marco Carlone - Journalist of Sphera Network
[ in Italian ]
10:00 › 13:00 • Conference › "Young Generations, Skills, Labour Market: the European Union's New Proposals for the Mobility of Skills and Talents" — [included in the participation fee › participate]
The European Commission presented in November 2023 a series of new initiatives included in a package on the mobility of skills and talent, which are intended to make the EU more attractive to talent from outside the EU and to facilitate mobility within the EU. Vocational education and training (VET) is a key element in preparing people, primarily young people, for the world of work. It provides students with essential skills that foster personal development, improve career prospects and encourage active citizenship. They stimulate business performance, competitiveness, research and innovation.
• Julian Ng - President of IVETA (International Vocational Education and Training Association)
• Marco Greggi - Professor of Tax Law and member of the Board of the European Documentation Centre, University of Ferrara
• Monika Klein - Dean of the Creative Industries Faculty at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation
• Mohsen Laabidi - Director General of Collège La Salle Tunis, LCI Education Group
• Rumyana Shalamanova - Regional Vice President for Eastern Europe & Central Asia of IVETA
Introduced and moderated by: Simona Maccagnani - Innovation Catalyst with a focus on processes of positive change through education and culture. She is an active advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with extensive experience in research, creative education, sustainable development and cultural diplomacy. She has developed and coordinated transnational cooperation initiatives and projects. Moderator and speaker at international conferences, she has written several publications, including "Grounding SDGs in creative eco-systems: an organic model to integrate design narratives into everyday systemic actions", "The SDGs framework as strategic lever for design education" and "What can we do for design? Setting the design question, reframing the challenge'.
[ in English ] • Interpreting by MyES - My English School Ferrara
14:00 › 16:00 • Workshop › "A bridge between two worlds" — Residui Teatro • Spain [included in the participation fee › participate]
RESIDUI TEATRO was born in Rome from the theatrical research laboratory directed by Paolo Vignolo (sociologist) and Marta Ruiz (choreographer, Colombia) and has been directed by Gregorio Amicuzi since 2000. Its nomadic vocation and international roots lead the group to a collective emigration to Spain in 2007, where a new stage begins.
The group creates shows and performances for all kinds of audiences, realises co-productions, develops its own pedagogy, and collaborates with artists and organisations from all over the world with the aim of using art as a tool for transformation, peace building and social dialogue. How to build a BRIDGE between people, communities, cultures?
Viviana Bovino will recount some of the participatory art projects realised in Europe, America, Africa and India. During the meeting we will experiment and analyse the possibilities that the performing arts can make available to the world of design, and vice versa.
Viviana Bovino - Performer, dancer, pedagogue, co-founder of L.I.Residui Teatro. In her work she bridges the gap between dance and theatre, singing. She collaborates with training organisations and universities. She is responsible for the training and design area. She is the author of articles, poems, and theatre texts. She is part of the Magdalena Project network, and since 2021 she has directed the meeting Tradition Transmission Transgression.
[ in Italian ]
10:30 › 12:30 • Workshop › "Storytelling – Personal Empowerment and Community Development: the Erasmus+ ABLE Platform" — TON • Romania [purchase]
In a very interactive manner, through exercises from Educational Drama, the participants will develop knowledge about the 7 Elements Method, which are essential in writing a successful story. Participants will receive information about the ABLE Platform - created in a European partnership through the Erasmus+ Project A BETTER LIFE and how to use this Platform for working at the community level. The aim of this project is to increase the degree of socio-economic inclusion and personal development (empowerment) of women from rural areas.
Cristina Victoria Chert started her career as a professional actor working for 8 years on theatre stages in Romania and Great Britain (Marlow - Theatre Canterbury). In 1993 he completed a training course in Educational Drama at the Royal Theatre London. Since 2000, she has been active as a coordinator of European projects using art as a means of personal and community development. Currently, she coordinates The Open Network for Community Development Foundation (a Romanian-Flemish Foundation) and develops socio-cultural projects. Being a Nationally certified trainer in adult education (Romania), she approached innovative methods in the process of presenting and conducting international workshops. The theory and knowledge presented are assimilated only through Educational Drama exercises.
[ in English ]
14:00 › 16:00 • Workshop › "The Power of Future Narratives" — Traces&Dreams • Sweden [purchase]
Nerina Finetto introduces Future Narratives and its transformative potential for young people. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to envision and shape one's future is vital. Future Narratives is an innovative approach dedicated to introducing young people to the concept of Futures Literacy while enhancing their ability to tell their own stories and deconstruct the narratives which surround them. The central aim of this approach is to empower young people to harness the power of narrative to envision and create their own futures.
FUTURE NARRATIVES began in 2020 with an Erasmus+ co-funded project bringing together youth organisations and young people from 4 countries. They introduced young people, particularly those from less-advantaged backgrounds, to the concept of narrative as a means for understanding their present and shaping better futures. In 2023, FUTURE NARRATIVES 2 was awarded a second period of Erasmus+ funding to develop our approach into a systematised curriculum transferable to youth work and educational settings across Europe.
Nerina Finetto is the Founder and Director of Traces&Dreams, a unique transdisciplinary media agency harnessing the power of narrative for a wiser tomorrow. It focuses on bringing knowledge out of silos and uses it as a strategic asset for cultural transformation, societal change, and collective innovation. It collaborates with international organisations to design and implement innovative projects in culture and education, science communication and dissemination.
[ in English ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Workshop › "Tell me a Story" — Manisa Celal Bayar University • Turkey [purchase]
This workshop draws inspiration from Jorge Luis Borges' statement, "The smallest parts of life are stories." Its purpose is to guide participants in discovering how stories are created and brought to life. By combining visual and auditory elements, the workshop invites participants into the enchanting world of creative storytelling. The method has been used in two Erasmus+ Projects IN-ORCHESTRA and ACT-ABLE: Drama education lab for young people with disabilities. The storytelling method helps the participants to tell a story by blending their body, gestures and mimics with visual and auditory elements as well as words. In the final play of both projects, we staged theatrical plays that made use of visual and auditory elements. The workshop consists of three parts:
Visual Storytelling: Narrating Stories through images
Music and Rhythm: Syncing Beats with narratives; Establishing Connections through music
Experience Sharing: Practical application of acquired skills and a session for participants to share their experiences.
Meral Özçınar obtained her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in the field of Cinema and Television at the Faculty of Fine Arts. She worked as a scriptwriter at the national television channel TRT. Engaging in theatre projects with various groups facing physical and mental challenges, she conducted workshops on storytelling at Syros Summer School. She served as a partner coordinator in projects such as Learning Positive Discipline, In-Orchestra, and Act-Able (Erasmus+). In 2022, she earned the title of Professor. Currently, she is head of the Radio, Television, and Cinema Department at Manisa Celal Bayar University.
[ in English ]
14:00 › 16:00 • Workshop › "European Project Erasmus+ ΚΑ1: Learning Mobility Opportunities" — SISERA • Greece [purchase]
This workshop is focused on the exploration of the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1) program. The session will provide practical insights into optimizing learning mobility for students, educators, and adult learners. Emphasis will be placed on cross-cultural exchange and the tangible benefits of different types of funded mobility activities. Attendees can expect valuable advice on KA1 opportunities, along with effective application strategies and project implementation tips. The workshop will foster a professional discussion on the program's contribution to personal and professional development, diversity promotion, and the enhancement of global collaboration in education. It invites stakeholders and organizations to engage in this collaborative dialogue aimed at advancing EU projects.
Dimitra Xesfigkouli, co-founder and project manager of SISERA Greece, is a highly accomplished primary and preschool educator with 23 years of experience in Greek education. Holding dual honors bachelor's degrees, a Master's in "Administration and Management in Education," and a PhD in Primary Education from the University of Thessaly, she excels in areas such as Intercultural Education, Adult Education, e-learning, and ICT database development. Her impactful contributions to EU projects as a promoter and coordinator alongside numerous publications underscore her commitment to advancing educational goals.
Charalampos Georgantzas, co-founder and head of SISERA Greece, is an applied mathematician with 7+ years of experience. A dedicated researcher and EU project expert, he excels in statistical research, project management, and educational innovation. Fluent in English and Spanish, Charalampos actively contributes to youth programs, emphasizing inclusivity and sustainability. Expertise includes ICT, programming, and a robust background in EU projects, making him a versatile leader committed to advancing sustainable practices.
[ in English ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Workshop › "Freedom speech vs. hate speech: Citizens' awareness and transformation tools" — Federación Andalucía Acoge • Spain [purchase]
“OWO. Defending the space of coexistence” is a project of the Federación Andalucia Acoge. The scope is to prevent hate speech and hate crimes, as well as to attend to possible victims. It is funded by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, through the Directorate General for Inclusion and Humanitarian Attention, and co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
OWO aims to involve people for promoting citizenship’s values, as well as to counter and prevent a mentality based on racism and hate speech. Based on the experience and work developed by the OWO initiative, the key concepts and approaches that determine hate speech, the dynamics of hate, and the construction of measures and discourses that create a reality of union and coexistence will be analysed. Key information will be provided, and participatory group activities of reflection and collaborative analysis will be promoted during the session.
Alicia Ocon Fernandez · Social Worker with more than 20 years of work experience in social organisation and management of social projects. Deep experience in employment support, social research, training contents, awareness raising and management of groups and teams. She is currently the European Project Manager at the Federación Andalucía Acoge.
Natalia Italiano · She has experience in the European Project field as project coordinator and writer. She is in charge of EU projects’ planning and evaluation, partners search and networking, Erasmus+ mobilities and strategic partnerships. She is a native Italian speaker, and she is fluent in Spanish, English, and French. She is currently the manager of the OWO Project at the Federación Andalucia Acoge.
[ in english ]
10:00 › 14:00 • Workshop › "Imagining Possible Futures" — Edulia from Sapere Treccani • Italy [free entrance]
We all think about the future, but we do not always do so correctly. This course will enable students to approach Futures Literacy and develop knowledge and skills to explore possible futures with greater awareness, starting with the signs of the present. After an introduction on future studies, the students will be taken "on a hunt for signs": they will learn to identify the weak signals that the present offers us and to reflect on the changes it might bring about in tomorrow. Furthermore, they will imagine the inhabitants of these futures: who are they? What are their habits, fears, ambitions? An excellent exercise to also imagine their own personal future, to orient themselves and make more conscious choices in the present.
Thomas Ducato - Freelance journalist and expert in educational design, Thomas Ducato is Senior Content and Project Manager at Edulia, a company belonging to the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani that develops digital content and tools for the world of education. In particular, she is in charge of implementing and following educational and training projects aimed at both young adults and professionals and the educational community. Since 2018 he has been involved in Future Studies and Foresight, carrying out training activities with teachers, students and companies.
Edulia from Sapere Treccani is the new edutech hub of the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani that provides content and digital tools for education. Edulia Treccani Scuola is the Edulia line operating in the world of training and school education since 2017 (branded Treccani Scuola). It offers quality content and flexible and effective tools to actively contribute to building the school of tomorrow, starting from the needs of students and their teachers.
[ in Italian ]
14:00 › 16:00 • Seminar › "A Fascinating Journey Through Centuries: Clown from Origin to Contemporary Healthcare Clown Development" — Soccorso Clown • Italy / Charitable Foundation POMOGAEM • Ukraine [purchase]
Embark on a captivating exploration of the Clown's evolution, tracing it to the emergence of Healthcare Clown, a unique performing arts profession enhancing healthcare services. This workshop offers a concise PowerPoint presentation and videos, providing a historical perspective on Clown's journey and the birth of Healthcare Clown, catering to diverse healthcare communities. Explore Soccorso Clown's Professional Method, detailed in Vladimir Olshansky's book, "The Search For Identity," unraveling the organization's unique approach. Gain insights from video presentations and unveil Soccorso Clown's intervention models for Healthcare Clowns. Witness Healthcare Clowns' expansive applications, from assisting disabled children to supporting hospital staff during crises. A special segment shares the experiences of Ukrainian Healthcare Clowns during the Russian invasion. Projects like BOOP and Doctor CLOWN Dnipro and the European Federation of Healthcare Clown Organizations (EFHCO) are highlighted, along with initiatives like Erasmus + Healthcare Clown pathways and the Virtual Healthcare Clown (VHC) project. The ultimate goal? Integrating Healthcare Clown services into global healthcare systems, with success stories in the Balearic Islands paving the way for future developments. Join this enthralling journey, uncovering the transformative potential of Healthcare Clown in enriching healthcare services worldwide.
Yury Olshansky (alias "Dottor Maisbaglia") is a CEO, co-founder, trainer and supervisor healthcare Clown of Soccorso Clown, Italy. An actor and author, he holds an MFA from the New York University. He is a co-founder of the European Federation of Healthcare Clown Organizations (EFHCO) with 22 members of the 15 EU countries, where he served for years as the member of Board of Directors.
Olga Bulkina was born in 1990 and raised in Kyiv in an actors family. She studied at the University of Culture at the Faculty of Journalism. She worked as a director and editor on television for 16 years. In 2020, she completed a course at the Soccorso Clown organization and also began working as a healthcare clown in children's oncology departments. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia in February 2024 - she stayed in the hospital next to the children and provided emotional support to the children, parents and medical staff.Together with Marina Berdar, Olga created the BOOP organization (Bureau of smiles and support) and also her own school of hospital clowning. Currently, BOOP works in hospitals of Kyiv and Kyiv region, and is also engaged in the development of the profession of a Healthcare Clown in Ukraine.
Marina Berdar was born in 1986 in Belarus, but lives most of her life in Ukraine. As a child, she studied in children's theater and art school. She studied at the Institute of Shipbuilding and received a degree in economics and engineering. She worked in the pharmaceutical field for a long time. Marina is Certified Healthcare Clown, trained by the Italian organization Soccorso Clown. Together with Olga Bulkina, she created the Healthcare Clown project “BOOP: Bureau of Smiles and Support.” at the largest children's hospital in Kyiv, “Ohmatdyt, where she presently works, from the begging of the full-scale Russian invasion, with children effected by various degrees of injury, victims of war.
Jan Tomasz Rogala, born on 06.04.1967 in Poland, is a Certified Healthcare Clown trained by Soccorso Clown. Engaging in humanitarian work for years in Poland, Sweden, and Latvia, he worked in Mikolayev, Ukraine (2004-2006) as a healthcare clown and coordinator of charity events. In Dnipro, Ukraine (2007-2022), Jan founded and managed NGOs, worked as a healthcare clown, coordinated charity events, and instructed healthcare clown training. Amidst the Russian military aggression (2022-2024), he played a crucial role in evacuations, worked as a clown with internally displaced persons (IDPs) in refugee shelters, and provided humanitarian aid in Dnipro, Kherson, Kharkiv, and the Donbas area.
[ in English ]
11:00 › 13:00 • Workshop › "Digital culture for an active and aware European citizenship" — Edulia from Sapere Treccani • Italy [free entrance]
The European Union promotes the development of a highly efficient European digital education ecosystem and seeks to improve citizens' competences and skills in view of the digital transition. In particular, the Erasmus+ Programme pays special attention to the targeted use of digital technologies in the fields of education, training, and youth, promoting digital pedagogy, the development of skills in the use of digital tools for teachers, the use of accessible and assistive technologies, and the creation and innovative use of digital educational content. At the same time, it is precisely the world of schools that is increasingly highlighting how the use of digital tools leads to growing phenomena of fake news and cyberbullying among students.
In order to deepen these issues and provide methods and operational tools, EDULIA offers a workshop aimed at teachers of first and second grade schools.
Alberto Laratro is Content Manager for EDULIA and science communicator. With a master's degree in science communication from SISSA in Trieste, he is involved in education on STEM topics, in particular on everything related to digital, exponential technologies, science breakthroughs and space exploration. Passionate about 3D printing, drones, science fiction and photography.
Edulia from Sapere Treccani is the new edutech hub of the Italian Encyclopaedia Institute that provides content and digital tools for education. Edulia Treccani Scuola is the Edulia line operating in the world of training and school education since 2017 (branded Treccani Scuola). It offers quality content and flexible and effective tools to actively contribute to building the school of tomorrow, starting from the needs of students and their teachers.
[ in Italian ]
14:00 › 16:00 • Seminar › "Esagramma: the inclusive orchestra that opens to dialogue and relationship" — Sequeri Esagramma Foundation • Italy [purchase] [ EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ]
The orchestra is a special place for processing resonance and modulating personal dimensions. In the orchestra one can work the affective dimensions with increasing immediacy and complexity. The intervention presents the Esagramma® research-action models and the educational and rehabilitation paths that over the years have been able to involve and train: children and adults with intellectual fragility and autism, school students of all levels and professionals in the educational, musical and clinical fields. The results obtained have been appreciated nationally and internationally, in prestigious artistic and academic contexts and institutions, in the context of European projects (such as the Erasmus+ Project IN-ORCHESTRA, the European Parliament, Georgetown University in Washington D.C.).
Prof. Licia Sbattella, PhD · Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Sequeri Esagramma - Bioengineer, musician and psychotherapist. Professor at the Politecnico di Milano and Delegate of the Rector for Psychological Support, she is an expert member of the Programme Committee of G3ict (A Flagship Advocacy Initiative of the United Nations), the International Association of Universities and the Pontifical Academy for Life. He is the Founder and Scientific Director of the Sequeri Esagramma Foundation and of the centre of the same name founded in 1983. From 1998 to 2018 he conducted the Esagramma Symphony Orchestra in important national and international contexts. For her research-action activity with the Fondazione Sequeri Esagramma she has received important national and international prizes and awards. She is the author of more than 150 specialist publications.
[ in Italian ]
10:00 › 13:00 • Conference › "European funding for the sustainable development of territorial systems: IPA-ADRION and ITALY-CROATIA" — Emilia-Romagna Region • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is one of the instruments envisaged by the European Union to strengthen economic and social cohesion and reduce the gap between regions. Thanks to ETC, territories and regions all over Europe cooperate to find common structural solutions to the great challenges of economic and social development; technological innovation and environmental resilience; mobility between regions and sustainable urban development.
The Emilia-Romagna Region is the managing authority at European level of a very important Programme: IPA-ADRION involving 10 countries of the Adriatic-Ionian area (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, with Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and the Republic of San Marino). Another important programme is ITALY-CROATIA, managed by the Veneto Region. To learn more about these funding lines that are being conducted and their impact on local territories, we talk about them:
• Alessandro Balboni - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Paolo Calvano - Councillor for Relations with the European Union of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Lorenza Badiello - Director of the Delegation to the EU of Emilia-Romagna Region
• Francesco Raphael Frieri - Director General for Resources, Europe, Innovation and Institutions of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Caterina Brancaleoni - Director of the Coordination Sector of European Policies, Programming, Institutional Reorganisation and Territorial Development, Participation, Cooperation and Evaluation of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Lodovico Gherardi - Coordinator of the Managing Authority Unit Interreg IPA-ADRION Programme 2021-2027 of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Stefania Leoni - ART-ER S. cons. p. a./Emilia-Romagna Region - Member of the Monitoring Committee of the Italy-Croatia Programme
• Natalino Barbizzi - Highly qualified in International and Territorial Cooperation and National Contact Point of the Interreg IPA-Adrion Programme at Marche Region - Economic Development Department
• Alessio Stabellini - Director of the Environment and Agriculture Sector of the Municipality of Ferrara: Presentation of the Italy-Croatia Project: "CAMPUS - Climate Adaptation Plans for UNESCO Sites
• Giulia Righetti - NAXTA S.r.l. Consultant for Sipro Ferrara: Presentation of the ADRION Projects: "ADRION 5 SENSES and ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS".
Introduced and moderated by: Paolo Cannarella - Official of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Lecturer in European Planning and Reporting
[ in Italian ]
14:30 › 16:30 • Seminar › "Territorial Projects with European Territorial Cooperation" — Municipality of Ferrara • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
Local governments, through their offices, have the task of intercepting the resources that the European Union allocates directly to local authorities: both through direct and indirectly managed programmes and, more recently thanks to the challenge of the Recovery Plan with the NextGenerationEU Programme of interventions, it is increasingly important to seize funding opportunities.
In particular, through the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes, one of the two objectives of Cohesion Policy is implemented to promote collaboration between territories of different EU Member States through the implementation of joint actions, exchange of experiences and networking between national, regional and local actors.
Through a strategic approach, the work of the Offices in charge of developing European Projects is aimed at making concrete use of funding opportunities and helps to create opportunities to stimulate and promote the socio-economic development of the territory, fostering the growth of new international relations and making the most of existing ones.
The Projects that are financed have a real impact on the territories and produce significant impacts in multiple spheres. We can therefore reflect on the public value that European projects and the funding opportunities they generate. To elaborate on ETC success stories, speakers include:
• Alessandro Balboni - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Irina Rotaru - Project Officer of the URBACT Join Secretariat
• Alessandra Piganti - Head of the European Projects Office of the Municipality of Ferrara: The Project "Jewels Tour: Jewish heritage as leverage for sustainable tourism”
• Erica Bisetto - Referent of the European Projects Office of the Municipality of Ferrara: The Project "S.M.ALL: Sharing urban solutions towards Sustainable Mobility for ALL".
• Iuri Bruni - International Projects Service, Funding Search of the Municipality of Siena
• Elena Giovannini - Integrated Municipal, National and European Projects Service of the Municipality of Cesena
Introduced and moderated by: Francesco Dondi - Director of "La Nuova Ferrara" Newspaper
[ in Italian ]
10:30 › 12:00 • Seminar › "Ex Teatro Verdi - Laboratorio Aperto Ferrara: a good European practice" — Municipality of Ferrara • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The European Projects Festival is held in the former Teatro Verdi, a place rich in history and memory for Ferrara and, at the same time, one of the virtuous examples of the use of European Funds in favour of the community.
The former Verdi Theatre, inaugurated in 1857 as a popular theatre and dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi in 1913, was in fact one of the most popular theatres in Ferrara until after World War II. Then, it began a decline, which led to its closure in 1985.
In January 1999, the theatre was purchased by the Municipality of Ferrara: thanks to an urban regeneration project co-funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2014-2020, the theatre came back to life, becoming one of Emilia-Romagna's Open Laboratories, a place for innovation and knowledge exchange open to citizens.
About this successful project, its history, and its activities as a centre of cultural innovation, talk:
• Alessandro Balboni - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Fabio Sgaragli - Sole Director Open Lab S.r.l.
• Alessio Vaccaro - European Planning Expert Intellera Counsulting S.p.a.
• Enrico Deidda Gagliardo - Pro-Rector Budget Planning and Creation of Public Value of the University of Ferrara
• Sandro Mazzatorta - Director General of the Municipality of Ferrara
[ in Italian ]
14:30 › 15:30 • Seminar › "Promoting European citizenship: funding opportunities for local authorities and associations" — Emilia-Romagna Region • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The aim of the seminar is to illustrate the call of the Emilia-Romagna Region promoted in accordance with R.L. 16/2008, which makes available to local authorities and associations contributions for cultural, educational and training initiatives for the promotion and support of European citizenship and its related values to be implemented on the regional territory, but also for projects aimed at strengthening the capacity of local authorities to intercept the funding opportunities of the European Union and to manage them effectively. The 2024 call will be open from 28/03 to 23/04/2024, more information on the regional portal European Funds and International Cooperation (regione.emilia-romagna.it).
• Elena Zammarchi - EQ Innovation for territories and communities and promotion of European values and peace - Department for the coordination of European policies, programming, institutional reorganisation and territorial development, participation, cooperation, evaluation of the Emilia-Romagna Region
[ in italian ]
16:00 › 17:00 - Round Table › "The profession of European Project Manager: regulatory framework, opportunities and perspectives" — Assoeuro • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The Round Table will deal with the theme of the figure of the European Project Manager and the economic, regulatory and contractual context in which he/she operates. The European Project Manager is a professional figure of growing importance on the labour scene who deals with intercepting funding opportunities that may be provided directly by the European Commission or managed by national and regional authorities and with activating funding programmes for specific projects. Currently in Italy, this profession is carried out both as a freelancer and within public or private structures and is not subject to the control of a professional Order. The aim of the debate is to contribute to market transparency and to launch a permanent round table, for the benefit of European Projects professionals and those approaching the profession, but also to protect the client.
Marco Bartolelli - Economist, Founding Member and Head of Institutional Relations of Assoeuro - Italian Association of European Project Managers, former President of the Economists' Association of Rome. He is national coordinator of the consumer and environmental protection association Konsumer Italia APS. In the role of Project Agent, he coordinates design working groups on European Calls for Proposals, and carries out Communication and Dissemination activities.
The ASSOEURO Association is the first Italian association for the professional protection of the European Project Manager and is registered in the list kept by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy pursuant to Law 4/2013. The Association has as its primary objective the protection and enhancement of the profession of European Project Manager and the correct information in the sector.
[ In Italian ]
10:30 › 12:30 • Workshop › "Innovation Session: the Erasmus+ Project Move Beyond" — MAISTRO Company • The Netherlands [purchase]
The Innovation Session as part of Erasmus+ Project MOVE BEYOND focuses on specific challenges or problems that need creative solutions. The methodology is based on principles from design thinking, creative problem solving, Scrum and agile methodologies. A key component of the Innovation Session is to show that the problem is not so much in coming up with new ideas, but rather in how to let go of old thinking patterns. The workshop consists of two parts and lasts two hours:
Part A. Presentation on the Innovation Session method
1. Agreements on participants, conditions, and process of an Innovation Session
2. The three phases of the Innovation Session:
The start-up where the problem/challenge is defined,
The divergent phase whereas many ideas as possible are generated using various techniques such as Associative Thinking,
The convergent phase where the best ideas or solutions from the divergent phase are selected, analysed, and refined with the so-called COCD box. It is the phase where you make choices and focus on the options you see the most opportunities in.
Part B. Practical elaboration of an Innovation Session with the participants.
Carl De Meester worked for twenty-two years at Weener XL, the Work & Development Company of the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch (in the Netherlands). During this period, he held various positions as case manager, team manager, programme manager Youth Approach and project manager International Projects participating in several ESF and Erasmus+ projects as both a coordinator and a partner. As innovator he supervises innovation processes to help groups in finding and realizing ideas and solutions for specific issues and to experience innovative ways of working together, based on principles such as creative problem solving and design thinking. He started in 2023 his company MAISTRO Project management, Consulting & Coaching. He is also a visual artist and co-owner of Argile ceramic studio.
[ in English ]
14:30 › 16:00 • Presentation › Paolo Cannarella "How to obtain European Union Funding by knowing Europe, Editoriale Scientifica" [included in the participation fee › participate]
The "theoretical" and "practical" structure of the book by the author and creator Paolo Cannarella is based on an innovative, stimulating and extremely effective method: the creation of one hundred questions and related answers that describe and explain in detail all the topics, both theoretical and practical, covered.
The "theoretical part" of the book, divided into five specific sections, has the task of clarifying in a simple and intuitive language the evolution of the European Union, the regulatory aspects, the numerous opportunities offered by European funding, offering a detailed analysis of the different EU funding lines, ranging from direct funds to indirect and shared management funds with a particular focus on Cohesion Policy, European Structural and Investment Funds (EIS Funds), European Territorial Cooperation, the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021- 2027 and the corresponding "Expenditure Headings".
The various types of calls published within the framework of the EU Programmes are analysed, as well as a 'brainstorming' of information to support 'scouting', i.e. the search for funding calls, the importance of transnational partnerships and a description of the EU's own resources that give rise to the European budget.
This is followed by the cornerstone of the book, i.e. the 'practical part' where the author, drawing on his decades of experience as a first-level controller of the European Structural Funds, explains the very delicate process of 'reporting' on projects financed by the European Union, marking out, from the very beginning of its implementation, all the stages of the project, taking into account the categories of eligible and ineligible expenditure, and the distinction between direct and indirect costs. With this practical part, the author's aim is to provide the beneficiaries of funding, i.e. all those who want to approach European funds, with the operational tools to avoid potential "spending cuts" by the relevant control bodies.
Among other purposes, there is that of facilitating the understanding of the "newborn words" such as, Recovery Fund, NextGenerationEU, Recovery Plan, PNRR, in order to grasp their substantial differences, using a simple and pragmatic language.
Paolo Cannarella - Official of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Regional Affairs and Autonomies - Technical Secretariat supporting the Cabina di regia for the determination of the Essential Levels of Performance (LEP). Former official of the Veneto Region, Economic Specialist, First Level Controller of European Structural and Investment Funds, European Territorial Cooperation Programme - Interreg Italy-Austria. Author of the book: 'How to obtain European Union funding by knowing Europe', preface by the Magistrate of the Court of Auditors, Dr Giampiero Pizziconi; published by Editoriale Scientifica. Lecturer in Europlanning, first level control and reporting of expenses financed with European Union Funds. Writer and speaker at seminars and conferences on European issues.
[ in italian ]
16:00 › 17:00 • Seminar › "European projects: Area Europa's integrated vision to maximise impact" — Area Europa • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The world of European funding is wide and complex. We often feel that we are overburdened and do not know where to start. If and when we manage to access it, we still struggle to get an overview capable of grasping potential connections between the various programmes and associated opportunities.
Research, education, business development, experimentation, pilot and demonstration activities, networking, are all components of the same challenge: sustainable development. So why not create synergies between research results and technological and business development? Why not quickly transfer scientific discoveries to the world of education? Why not widely disseminate what has worked to maximise impact and generate real change? So, by the way, why don't we apply the results of Horizon projects in LIFE, then transfer them to the world of education through Erasmus+ and apply them to territorial policies with Interreg? This is what Area Europa is trying to do, with its multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral team: to intercept European funds with an integrated approach, creating innovative connections between the different funding programmes in an attempt to contribute to the EU challenges of our time.
Eva Merloni is an expert in sustainable and rural development, climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and green transition and senior expert in European project coordination. Eva is the president and chief project officer of Area Europa, the head of European projects and international relations at the national agency ItaliaMeteo and one of the co-founders of the WEgate association dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurship in Brussels.
Gianluca Corzani, expert in design, non-formal education and facilitation of didactic workshops on history, memory, climate and European citizenship for students and teachers. Since 2021 he has been a collaborator and since 2022 a partner of Area Europa, where he holds design, management and training positions in Erasmus+, Creative Europe and LIFE projects.
Area Europa is a cooperative dealing with positive impact design. For the members of Area Europa, who have chosen Bologna as their working base since 1999, working in the field of design, both European and non-European, means being able to concretely contribute to the cultural, ecological and digital transition we need. For Area Europa, sustainability is the lens through which to view any activity, whatever the subject matter and the expertise deployed, in line with European priorities and policies. Our team is made up of professionals with different professional backgrounds and academic experiences, which allows us to be active and active on several thematic and intervention areas, acting as an open laboratory of innovation and design. Thanks to a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach, Area Europa approaches European funds with an integrated vision aimed at maximising the impact of projects on the basis of a number of key principles: ethical use of public contributions, connection between various funding programmes, capitalisation of results already obtained and heterogeneity of the actors involved.
[ in Italian ]
10:30 › 11:30 • Workshop › "Harmonies of Transformation: A Journey through Music and Videos" — FORM2YOU • Portugal [included in the participation fee › participate]
Form2You will present two original songs and their relative videos realised within the GUTS Project. “GUTS: Grow Up Today and Support each other” is cofounded by Erasmus+ Programme and aims to realise a method for introducing young prisoners to citizenship’s values and providing tools for a new personal future.
The workshop will focus on these two original songs. Each composition tells the diverse experiences, struggles, triumphs of the youngsters involved in GUTS. The participants will discover the creative process of these musical pieces, composed by young prisoners and educators.
Through the immersive presentation of a third video, participants will deepen the transformative power of art and education for the rehabilitation of people involved in the criminal justice system. Music as a tool for creativity, collaboration, positive change.
Professor Victor Santos is the president of Form2You, a non-profit organisation based in Sintra (Portugal), whose activities are mentoring, coaching, social assistance, volunteering, social innovation processes. Its programs combine social-cultural-artistic sciences, methods and tools for people’s empowerment and social inclusion.
Graduate in music education and socio-cultural animator, Victor Santos has been teaching since 1999. He is a musician with over 25 years of experience. As a trainer and musician, Victor really believes in the transformative power of artistic expression. In his career, he has been involved in various projects, with a specific focus on storytelling, music, and dance.
[in english]
14:30 › 16:30 • Seminar › "Cultural heritage and creativity: a powerful driver for small and medium-sized urban centres" — Umbria Region / Post-graduate Course in EU Funding for Culture and Creativity • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
The importance of the cultural and creative sectors in Europe and the role of EU funding will be discussed. Innovative regional approaches and best practices for small and medium-sized urban centres will also be illustrated, addressing cultural heritage, social inclusion through culture and territorial development.
They will speak about these aspects, bringing their concrete experiences:
• Antonella Pinna - Director of the Cultural Resources Enhancement Service, Museums, Archives and Libraries of the Umbria Region
• Diletta Paoletti - Coordinator of the Post-graduate Course in “EU funding for Culture and Creativity” at the University of Perugia
Introduced and moderated by: Roberto Beccaria - Founder of LUCAS Turin, Expert in Cultural Strategies for Territorial Systems and Innovation
[ in Italian ]
14:00 › 15:00 • Seminar › “UNESCO, the UNESCO Chairs and the Italian Network of UNESCO Chairs” — University of Ferrara • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
UNESCO is the United Nations institution for education, science and culture. In 1992, UNESCO launched the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, which involves over 850 institutions in 117 countries and promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacity through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The programme supports the creation of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in key priority areas related to UNESCO's fields of expertise, i.e. education, natural and social sciences, culture and communication.
In Italy, there are 44 Chairs, united in ReCui, of which Patrizio Bianchi is national coordinator.
The UNESCO Chair on Education, Growth and Equality in Education was established at the Department of Economics and Management (DEM) of the University of Ferrara. The Chair aims to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on development economics, political science and education to support the 4th SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) "Quality Education for All" and more recently the conclusions of the United Nations Transformation Education Summit (2022). The Chair has facilitated collaboration between high-level, internationally recognised researchers and teaching staff of the University and other institutions (in Italy and abroad).
• Prof. Valentina Mini - UNESCO Chair Coordinator "Education, Growth and Equality". Adjunct Professor of Statistics, Advanced Statistics and Statistics for Economics and Business at the University of Ferrara (Italy). She holds an MSc in Economics of Public Administration and International Institutions from the University of Ferrara (Italy), an MSc in Social Research Methods and Statistics from the University of Manchester (UK), and a PhD in Economics from the University of Ferrara (Italy). She developed a research interest in spatial economics and territorial competitiveness from her experience at the University of California, Los Angeles, leading her collaborations with UNIDO and OECD. She was an adjunct professor at Franklin University (Switzerland) and the University of Lugano (USI, Switzerland). In Switzerland, she coordinated the Economic Policy Observatory (O-POL) and the Labour Market Observatory (O-LAV). He collaborates with public and private bodies to evaluate projects on formal education and Long-Life Learning: INAPP Erarmus+, Interreg (FVG), Fondo Forte, Fondo Professioni, Fonter. She is a member of the scientific committee of UNESCO Lucca Learning City. She has been identified as an expert for the Ministry of Education for requirements related to the implementation of the PNRR (context of "State Accounting and Public Finance"). She has several publications in international journals, as well as contributions in books. She is currently working on the relationship between education, skills and growth.
[ in italian ]
15:00 › 16:00 • Lecture › "Europe, geopolitics and internal areas: the age of European anxiety" — Prof. Patrizio Bianchi • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
In recent years, economic and political uncertainty at global level has increased enormously; since 2008, after the years of great growth brought about by the creation of the Euro, Europe has no longer been growing, and has progressively lost its role at global level.
• Prof. Patrizio Bianchi - Chairholder of UNESCO Chair "Education, Growth and Equality". Former Minister of Education, Emeritus Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Ferrara, he has been Rector of the University of Ferrara, Councilor of the Emilia-Romagna Region for Education, University and Research, and finally, Minister of Education of the Italian Government chaired by Mario Draghi.
[ in italian ]
16:00 › 18:00 • Seminar › "Redesigning the Future of Cities: Urban Transformation Agendas for Sustainable Development" — Municipality of Ferrara • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
Local authorities are a key actor in the efficient and effective use of European Funds as they enable a link with the territory and local communities by favouring targeted projects and interventions.
In the current 2021-2027 European programming, the Urban Transformation Agendas for Sustainable Development (ATUSS) are one of the territorial programming tools identified by the Emilia-Romagna Region to achieve the objectives of the Covenant for Jobs and Climate and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The ATUSS are financed thanks to the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), two of the major instruments of the European Cohesion Policy: 10 million euro to change the profile of cities, to make them greener and more digital, more liveable and open, more inclusive and sustainable.
To learn more about these funding lines, projects and activities of the municipalities in Emilia-Romagna, we talk about them:
• Alessandro Balboni - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Caterina Brancaleoni - Head of the Coordination Sector for European Policies, Programming, Institutional Reorganisation and Territorial Development, Participation, Cooperation and Evaluation of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Daniela Ferrara - Head of the European and National Funds Sector of the Emilia-Romagna Region
• Alessandra Pedrielli - Head of the Cabinet of the Mayor of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Alessandra Piganti - Head of the European Projects Office of the Municipality of Ferrara
• Elena Giovannini - Integrated Municipal, National and European Projects Service of the Municipality of Cesena
• Francesco Brianzi - Councillor for European Projects of the Municipality of Piacenza
Introduced and moderated by: Alberto Lazzarini - Journalist of "Il Resto del Carlino" Newspaper
[ in Italian ]
18:00 › 19:30 • Meeting with music › "The words of the songs: a playlist for Europe" — LODO GUENZI with Lorenzo Mazzoni • Curated by Treccani Cultura Foundation • Italy [included in the participation fee › participate]
Lodo Guenzi will be interviewed by Lorenzo Mazzoni within the Treccani format “The words of songs: a playlist for Europe” to explore the evolution of the Italian language starting from the texts of one of his works. In this area of intersection between music and literature he will talk to the young people present, in a climate of exchange and interaction.
Lodo Guenzi – born in Bologna in 1986 – founded the famous group “Lo Stato Sociale” alongside Alberto “Beto” Guidetti, Albert “Albi”, Enrico “Carota” Roberto, and Francesco “Checco” Draicchio. After the debut album which, in 2012, earned the group the Siae Award for best young talents of the year and the Giovani Mei Plaque. At the 68th edition of the Sanremo Festival in 2018, with the song “Una vita in Vacanza”, which had great success among the public and the critics, the band won second place and also won the Lucio Dalla press room award. Lo Stato Sociale participated in the May the first concert in Rome three times, and in the test editions, Lodo hosted the event alongside Ambra Angiolini.
Lorenzo Mazzoni (Ferrara, 1974) has lived in London, Istanbul, Paris, Sana'a, Hurghada and stayed for long periods in Morocco, Romania, Vietnam and Laos. Writer, essayist and reporter, he has published around twenty novels, including Apology of useless men (La Gru, 2013), When guitars made love (Spartaco Editions, 2015; Free to Write Award), A tango for Victor (Edicola, 2016), Il muggito di Sarajevo (Spartaco Edition, 2016), In a sky of broken stars (Miraggi, 2019), Antidolorifico (Libero Marzetto, 2024). He created Inspector Pietro Malatesta, protagonist of the noir series Malatesta. Investigations of an anarchist cop. Several of his reportages and stories have appeared in il Manifesto, il Reportage, East Journal, Discover Istanbul, Reporter, I'll be back Thursday and in numerous anthologies. Mazzoni is also a teacher of narrative writing at Corsi Corsari and a consultant for various publishing houses. He collaborates with Il Fatto Quotidiano for which he writes a column dedicated to books.
[ in Italian ]